This plant is growing in a greenhouse at my university. It is labelled as Cattleya rex, but after looking at various pictures of the real Cattleya rex I am not sure what it is. Before I read the tag, I thought it was a Sophronitis, so that is what I'm wondering now.
Any ideas?
Last edited by greenbean; 01-26-2010 at 12:51 AM..
It definetly looks like a Sophronitis cernua. But it is "huge" with very large flowers. I did not think the cernua could get that large flowers but there are people here on Orchidboard from Brazil that has much more experience than me.
I have a Sophronitis cernua, but the leaves and blooms are nowhere near that size. Perhaphs it's because my plant is still young, but this one looks large for a cernua. But I don't know what else it could be!
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
It is definitely a Sophronitis and not Cattleya rex. I believe it is a hybrid, perhaps S. cernua x S. coccinea. The growth habit appears to be a combination of both species.
The size and proportions of the flower threw me off. It does have the two fleshy-looking purplish appendages on the column that cernua has, though. I only have one picture of cernua in my book, and the flower is very different from this one, but I did see similarities. After looking at other examples online, I realized my book didn't really have a good representation of it.
But I agree with all of you, I don't think it is cernua. At most it is a hybrid with cernua in it. Still, I think I rather like this fiery little flower. I think I'll try to see if I can get a division of it! Anything I should be aware of?
Thanks again everyone for helping me ID this little fireball!