Very beautiful!
Are these flowers the last of this year or the first of next year?
Most of mine are growing leaves or roots, only the variety from Samar is keeping in few blooms.
Last edited by edwardwang; 12-20-2008 at 10:46 PM..
They are first bloom for me - I ordered small mounted plant - no spikes - from Oak Hill beginning of Summer. Only two blooms this time, but very pretty and glistening. The blooms are lasting now about 3 weeks and still look fresh, colors darker. Roots are growing like crazy!
Edward, the babelfish translator gave me a horrible interpretation of your signature: "The irises and orchids was born in the glen, not by nobody, but is not fragrant." ?! Can you tell me what it really says?
Edward, the babelfish translator gave me a horrible interpretation of your signature: "The irises and orchids was born in the glen, not by nobody, but is not fragrant." ?! Can you tell me what it really says?
"Orchid grows in a remote valley, its fragrance is spontaneous, not for anyone." Got it! Very beautiful saying and meaning. (I think the other is so much for on-line translators.)