For all those who have gone before me on this thread I sympathize and offer ether hugs.
And now I announce that my "luck" has finally run out. Please feel free to point and laugh... I'm used to it
After numerous attempts at flinging itself down the stairs with no ill effects

My parkour loving phal noid finally
broke it's spike.
I had removed the plant from it's heavy stabilizing pot so that I could clean the hefty thing. I thought I had secured the plant in an upright position in the bathroom, only to hear that ubiquitous crashing noise that I have come to associate with this particular plant!
I rush back in, to see it on the floor (yet again!) and when I carefully lift it and examine it I see that the spike has finally gone! The depressing thing was that it was getting to be around 50cm+ long or so and showed no signs of stopping with the sequential mass of lovely blooms!...

I was really proud of this one, Noid or no it was impressive (well to me anyway).
On the bright side, no permanent damage done and the spike was put in a vase.... Oh well... better luck next year!
My advice to others out there? Don't just double check that you heavy plants are stable, triple, quadruple or more check before you turn your back on it