Originally Posted by mrobert
Note that those small pots you have are all moss on the top and then styrofoam from about the halfway point to the bottom.
When I replanted my other young svo cycnoches I did not disturb the surface level moss, just removed the plant from the pot, removed the Styrofoam that is under the moss and replaced it with a sphag/fine bark mix.
Thats interesting that Fred Clarke uses styrofoam on the bottom half of his pots and then fills the top with moss. I started doing that same thing with my Catasetinae, except that I use wine corks instead of styrofoam (it helps to have another hobby than just orchids!!

). I do this because in my orchid environ, I grow my Catasetinae hanging in trees with slits cut into plastic pots. The wind causes a pot full of coarse bark to dry out too quickly, thus shriveling my plants. I switched to the cork n spag method this year as an experiment to alow plenty of air around the roots while maintaining moisture for the plant. So far, it works very well!! Mateo, I was wondering why you switched out the styrofoam for fine bark? Im always curious to find out what other growers are doing with their plants and why.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts! I really appreciate it!