I fell in love with this phal when I first saw it. I tried to buy it but nurseries didnt have it. But at last in august i found it and i own it now.
After being in my home for about 1 month it started growing a spike

(slowly and it paused for 1 month but it matured).
And this week as a new years gift it bloomed. But it doesnt look right. It has a orange lip but other uper 3 petals are not so yellow and have some pinkish smudges, dots.
The phal looks small and i think its blooming for the first time. Maybe the next time it will be better? Or does it get more yellow with time? Or did i get a fake/a look alike phall from a nursery?
PS. The phal in the 3 picture is a no id phal. I just find it interesting how the colour changes. The white flower is old and the yellow opened this week. The blooms also have a lemonly nice scent.
Best regards Shani