Eh, as far as oncidiums NoIDs go, every individual plant is different. In the same medium, some dry out a lot faster than others. I tend to take more care to keep oncidium roots moist (by
misting when the temperatures or high or the air is dry) than phal roots, but it may just be my personal bias. Not that phals do not like
misting when conditions are drier, but I've found that the thin roots of most oncidiums dry out much faster than phal roots when left underwatered for a few days. This only concerns the roots - for the leaves, it seems to be the other way around (which is probably due to the pseudobulbs of oncidiums).
Again, this may just be my bias, or I just happen to have oncidiums that really dislike drier conditions.
P.S. This is the beginner board, there are no dumb questions.

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