I noticed that there has been no further activity on the other project. Perhaps we want to try again? This time, let us all work together to make the project a success. To make that happen, I have come up with a few rules to follow for making suggestions for the project. For the orchid to be considered for the project, these rules must be followed (I know, rules are never fun but we do want the project to be successful.) The same orchids can be suggested that were in the first attempt as long as these rules are followed. Please do not post suggestions if you are not including the required links and information with the suggestions. Thank you.
Rule 1: A specific species should be chosen.
Rule 2: Each suggestion must be accompanied by a link to growing/culture information so that people can understand how the suggested plant is to be grown.
Rule 3: Each suggested orchid must be easily available and accompanied by links to:
a) A vendor in Canada where the orchid is offered
b) A vendor in Europe where the orchid is offered
c) For the US, either a large vendor who has a large supply of the orchid or several smaller vendors that offer the orchid.
Rule 4: Please include the price(s) for the orchid. The orchid should not be too expensive. We do not want cost to prohibit anyone from participating.
Rule 5: Please choose something that does not need extensive modification to grow. A bowl/vase is fine but requiring a modified wine cooler or
misting system is a bit extreme.
Rule 6: Include whether the orchid is cold-cool, cool-intermediate intermediate, intermediate to warm, or warm to hot growing.
Here are some useful links:
Here is a good Canadian orchid place:
Here is a site that list other Canadian vendors:
Canadian Orchid Vendor List | The Canadian Orchid Congress
Here is a link to post on this board with a list of some European Vendors:
Orchids Vendors in Europe
Some general information for many species orchids:
Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia
So, if anyone is interested, let us give it another try!

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