Fertilizing too much? Too little?
Personally, I think 280 ppm N is waaaay too much! I think 1/3 to 1/2 that is more appropriate. "Less is more" when it comes to food; continued overdosing will lead to fewer blooms (if it doesn't stop it altogether), weaker plants, and more rots. I used 125 ppm N 2- or 3 times a week for a while, and my plants basically stopped blooming.
I have taken a new view of feeding over the last few years:
1) in nature, the plants get fed only when rains flush detritus, foliar exudates and the like down out of the forest canopy from above.
2) the concentration of that throughfall and the stuff that trickles down branches ("trunk flow"), tends to be in the 15-25 ppm TDS concentration. Most of that is nitrogen.
3) keep in mind that the nutrition is only in the initial rainfall, as the canopy is flushed clean by the downpour almost immediately, so, the total mass of nutrition the plants receive is determined by the frequency of rainfall.
I have copied that in my own culture, feeding (25-35 ppm N) at every watering, so my plants are also getting fed at determined by watering frequency. I flush the daylight out of everything when I water, flooding them heavily, as that saturates and flushes at the same time.
I have been at that for just over four years now using K-Lite, adding KelpMax (1:250) and Inocucor Garden Solution (1:100) about monthly, and I have never seen better growth or blooming in the 45 years I've been growing orchids.
Last edited by Ray; 01-15-2016 at 08:20 AM..