I really strongly recommend the 48" fixtures. I got mine from
T5 Aquarium Lighting, T5 Fluorescent Grow Lights, Plant Grow Light Systems, Horticultural T5 Grow Light, T 5 Grow Light Check with them. They might ship to Canada (don't see why not!) Like I said, the Sunblaze44 is cheaper, but I only got like 1700 foot candles next to the lights. With the New Wave brand I get more than 2200 foot candles neaxt to light and by holding lights above plants 10-12" I measure approx 1900 foot-candles. You can grow Cats and Brassia with that kind of light with lights set for 12 hours winter and 16 hours summer. My basement is pitch black without the lights and looks like sunshine when lights come on. Also check this thread
http://www.orchidboard.com/community...r-midwest.html John grows totally under lights. Read this post and see how dedicated he is to total light growing. I've corresponded with him and he is extremely helpful. I recommend either PMing hime or e-mail (he hasn't been around here lately so might not see the PM) if you need it, I think I still have his contact info.