Update! This weekend I picked up some better grow phalaenopsis mix, soaked it overnight, and repotted the 3 phals.
The mini phal, which has basically no roots, seems to be doing well despite that. It has what I think is a new spike growing, considering cutting it off now so it doesn't waste its energy. I put it in a clear plastic pot I made out of one of those fizzy fruity drinks. I put holes on the bottom as well as the sides. I haven't added any fertilizer, but considering getting some kelp max. Good idea? Better ideas?
As for the two larger plants, the #3 has some good looking roots and fit snugly into one of the tiny pots I had laying around. I plan to get everyone into a clear pot eventually, but I figure a smaller pot with a better media is much better than what it was in previously. Leaves are a little wilty..hoping it perks up a bit.

#4 also went into a tiny pot, but this one doesn't have as many good roots as the other. It has two flower spikes that are so heavy I had a hard time balancing it lol. I did see a new root forming so that is good news!! Leaves are also a little wilty and that weird spot is still on one of the lower leaves. (Pictured in first post)
So, I looked at the temps in my window this morning and it was 64

I do have a heating mat I could stick in the window, good idea? It gets to about 70 during the day but I'm worried the low temps aren't helping. Aside from buying a space heater there is really nothing I can do to raise temps in this room as there is no radiator. Its already in the teens here in Chicago and they say its going to be another bad winter

. I know the heating mat will do little to heat the air, but should help keep the roots warm.
It really sucks because my bedroom/living room is blazing hot and my kitchen is like, normal temp, almost too cold. Ugh!