Originally Posted by Pilot
Where do you live? What's it potted in? They will enjoy high light. Pay attention to the leaves. If they purple you're on the high end of what they like which is a good thing. Feed weakly weekly. They will enjoy a cool period...nothing drastic.... But cooler nonetheless which can be simulated on a window sill or even under lights easily enough by decreasing the photoperiod by two hours or so... They'll spike whenever you provide a change in their environment... Such as moving it from inside to outside.
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Would you mind going into a little greater detail about the cool period you mention above? I got one of these at the begining of March and am growing it in well ventilated plastic pots with bark and charcoal. It's in one of my tanks with humidity around 70-75%, grown under lights with a high temp during the day of around 82 and night lows around 71. Is that enough of a temp change? Or do you mean temps down into the 60s?
I also got mine from Ray, a very nice plant with 4 fans and tons of roots. I spray it every morning and it is dry by evening and seems to like it here. I am seeing lots of new roots growing, new leafs growing like mad and even a new fan poking out! Sure would love to see this baby spike soon!