They are all gorgeous imo.
I have three seedling of C. maxima that are at least 3 years from blooming: C. maxima var alba (two of these) and C. maxima var coerulea.
The albas I got from outside the US. One I got from Suwada Orchids of Japan last summer (two inch pot) and after much TLC it is starting to really do well.
The other alba I got from BellaVista this past May (three inch pot) and it is not doing so great. Small plants just don't travel well esp. bare root. It will probably be almost a year before it "wakes up" like the other one. Fortunately, C. maxima is pretty hardy.
I also have some larger divisions of other species that I got bare root recently from outside the US. (C. lawrenciana which I let bloom as I wanted to see the flowers...but I shouldn't have) They are a challenge as well and root up VERY slowly for me. Bare root plants sent to me from within the US are in much better condition for obvious reasons and root up quickly.
Therefore, my advice would be to get the largest plants possible that fit your budget

Furthermore, I'd get two larger plants over three or four smaller ones.
And have a great time

Let us know what you get!