Does anyone know what this caterpillar wants to be when it grows up? I don't think I have seen one like this before - but then I haven't paid much attention since I was a child
I'm guessing this guy is getting ready to make a cocoon ?
I don't know what it is but it will soon turn into a chrysalis, this kind on caterpillar does not build a cocoon with silk, but the chrysalis stays hanging until the butterfly comes out. If you look at it closely, one day, close to the 'happening', you will see the colors and shapes through the envelope of the chrysalis which will become transparent...
Last edited by s.kallima; 09-27-2010 at 09:27 PM..
I don't know what it is but it will soon turn into a chrysalis, this kind on caterpillar does not build a cocoon with silk, but the chrysalis stays hanging until the butterfly comes out. If you look at it closely, one day, close to the 'happening', you will see the colors and shapes through the envelope of the chrysalis which will become transparent...
that makes sense, as I was confused by it hanging there like that but not moving lol