Hi Lori,
Believe it or not, I have had orchids in HORRIBLE shape actually recover....usually it was me that made them that way

. A little rooting hormone probably wouldn't hurt. I never had any on hand, so I just went with the damp sphagnum and a "helicopter"
misting mentality. Recently, I, too, had a rather lousy experience with an out of country vendor. Despite my frustrations, I have had great support from some fabulous OB members (Sue, don't blush!! If Royal is reading, don't you blush, either!). We are all here because we love them. They have us right where they want us...I confess to being smitten and my over-stuffed greenhouse is a testament to this. I hope your baby survives. Humidity, air movement and time will help, I am sure. Hang in there, friend.

I am "rooting" for you both...keeping my day job, I promise!


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