For my up-coming trip to south Florida in a couple weeks I have the following shopping list of minis to look for (what if I find all of them

For the orchidarium, shade loving and high moisture needs:
Aerangis citrata
Aerangis hyaloides
Amesiella (Angraecum) philippensis
Ascocentrum (Dyakia) hendersonianium
Bulbophyllum psychoon
Cirrhopetalum biflorum
Cischweinfia horichii
Dracula gaskelliana
Dracula lotax
Gastrochilus calceolaris
Masdevallia constricta
Masdevallia scabrilinguis
Pleurothallis tribuloides
Tuberolabium kotoense
Scaphosepalum verracosum
For upstairs in the bay window where it's drier but much brighter:
Dendrobium bellatulum
Epidendrum ellipticum (additional)
Epidendrum longipetalum
Epigeneium triflorum
Eria coronaria
Neofinetia falcata
Promenaea xanthina
Sedirea japonica
Whatcha think? Hope I find even a few of them. I'm going to the clearance sale at Miller's Tropicals in Redland (thanks to Alexis inside info).