OK I am now going to try some Liquid Fert Dyna-Gro Grow 7-9-6 and I need to know how to get the 120ppm total nitrogen. I looked at the Understanding pH management and plant nutrition but I did the formula and came up with .48 oz per 2 gallons for 120ppm

. That seems like a excessive amount when the label says to use 1/4-1/2 tsp per gallon. Should I stick with 1/2 tsp per gal. or what?

I found their KLN to be just fantastic for root formation so I wanted to try their Fert. I am also trying some clear pots to see how the Orchids do in them. I have to mail/web order all of these because there is not one store here on this island that sells these products. I have asked some of the Farm/Garden shops if they would carry them but since I am the only one asking for them they would not order any. Shipping to here is a killer unless I can find a dealer that ships USPS I would have to sell my house if I could only use FedEx or UPS.
Any help on the Fert problem would be helpful.