Part of the problem with growing some fruits in an orchid house is that,once the fruits ripen, they can produce gases that promote bud drop in orchids.
Ripe apples in the house, for instance, can cause bud drop like crazy. I have heard that ripe bananas can do that too, and I imagine that tomatoes could as well.
I grow my tomatoe seedlings in the gh but then move them to a separate light table in a totally separate room in my house once they get buds.
I don't believe that citrus can cause similar problems because they don't work the same way that the fleshy fruits do, as far as decay and seed support.
Apples and similar fruits,(like pears), actually even produce cyanide from the seeds,not in HUGE abundance, but enough that it's appropriate to keep them away from your orchids and to avoid letting a horse get loose beneath an apple tree that has a lot of windfall apples under there!
Yes, I know.
MASSIVE fruit trivia here.

My mind just spun out of control there for a minute!