LOL...I'm gonna try to answer all the questions in one post...if I miss any, let me know
Roly: The polls will still run thru to the end as there's no way to end them earlier but I have a basic idea of what we'll be needing, although there are ties to deal with

I didn't get the chance to contact any vendors earlier, I'll be doing that tonight/tomorrow and probably won't hear anything back from them till Monday so we're right on schedule. I'm just trying to get a jump on things
kiki: You make a valid point about the TCs...and Dorothy's answer was what I would've said too.
Thanks D
I can't give any hints or it won't be a mystery because there will only be one chosen plant per temperature group
Roly: There's a very good chance that plants from separate groups will come from the same place. That's what I'd like to set up, anyway...nobody wants to pay shipping and handling from more than one place if it can be avoided.
Your question does make a point though

If anybody has, for example, a warm and an intermediate coming from the same place, I will ask the vendor if they could put a W or an I on the pot of each one when they remove the identifying tag.
kiki: I understand your worry. Maybe I can come up with a basic guideline for each winning plant, very generalized.
If, for any reason, any member feels the need along the way to have more info, I will give it them BUT they would be sworn to secrecy and would have to make sure they don't post anything at all on OB about it.
I'll post again when I have some more info from the vendor(s)