First...kiki - you are too funny, my friend!
Lene, stay in for the ride, hopefully it will work out. If it somehow doesn't, you will be familiar with a lot of orchids you might never have heard of...and someday might be able to find
Dave and kiki, I'm going to check into all the plants you have shown...they're all gorgeous. I have two Bro sanguniea and yes, they are stunning! I also have Ctsm pileatum...which is a very large plant and won't work for the project
Something else I thought of...
we should make sure we don't choose any plants that have a downward growth pattern, like Stanhopea or Gongora...many folks don't have the space or set-up to allow for something to grow out of the bottom of it's basket or pot.
David, I know of no other way to do it

Suggest them anyway and with all of us working on it, we'll soon find out for sure if they're available or not.
***Just a side thought:
We have certain "rules" set up which have come about through our previous projects...we've learned what needs to be done to make it go more smoothly...
...this being said, they are not written in stone. We want everybody to have a good time doing this and we will all work together to figure it out as we go along.

See you all later