Thank you all, it is so pleasant

I absolutely have not time, I'm micro-surgeon ophtalmologist, and I work 13 hours per day in two hospital. My terrarium need only 15 minutes of my time per day for watering and fertilising.
My dioneas I grow from 3 adult plants, 4 year. Now I have about 50 plants VFT. I have big bush of Sarracenia, his grow from 1 little bush. Only one nepenthes grow in my terrarium well, another don't want to grow. Cephalotus died, cobra lily died. Only piguicula grow well. My Heliamphora think "to Be or not to Be", don't grow and don't die.
I can't freeze so much ice, for cooling 500 liters terrarim

, and computer fun don't cool air inside orchiterrarium.