Trying again with cymbidium after my first one "didn't go so well"
I'm back after a long hiatus when I couldn't login and didn't have the time to figure out the issue. I'm very novice. I have about 4 Phals and 2 mini Phals. I killed my only dendrobium and I'm trying not to let my new cymbidium be my next kill ! So please help???


This baby was purchased for me by my mom for my birthday at a local Chinese grocer. It has no tags. Appears to be potted in bark but hard to tell if there is other stuff in here as its so tight. I can't even fit a moisture probe in there. I don't know if that would even work if there isn't soil in there like my other cym had...
By way of a back story, my prior cymbidium was purchased at Sobey's grocery store. It had beautiful green flowers but never flowered again and seemed to die a slow death over about 4 years. Having read the cymbidium culture sheet, I think I had it potted "wrong" -- a mix of bark, sphagnum moss and soil as recommended by the lady at Sheridan nursery. My suspicion is that the soil kept everything too wet.
It never grew bigger. As soon as new leaves started to grow, old leaves died and turned yellow/brown. I tried putting it outside for most of summer into late fall ~10 degrees C. It might've been "burned" after a really hot time period when it was newly moved into a sunnier spot. Oops. The leaves looked stained brown like a burn and gradually fell off. It kept trying to grow new leaves but was never successful.
I parted ways with the old one a week ago.
This new one is going to be better.
My questions:
1) must I repot or can I wait until flowers are done? The plant seems really tightly packed into this wee pot. Also how big a pot?
2) I am concerned about my prior watering schedule and wonder if my moisture meter lied to me? It said moist for really long times after watering (a couple of weeks) -- maybe due to having too much soil? So I barely watered. Should I use the skewer method like my Phals?
3) what are those spots under the leaf in my photo?
4) is it ok that the one leaf photographed is turning brown or am I killing the poor thing already?
5) since it is so tight, I had to partially water from the bottom. Is this ok?
6) the greenery of this one is MUCH taller than my old one. Is it Different age of plant? Different species? Healthier?
7) is this fertilizer ok?
You guys rock.