Posting Pictures Off The Internet?
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Old 12-10-2007, 10:37 PM
Jo Ann Jo Ann is offline
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Question Posting Pictures Off The Internet?

I have a couple of questions concerning picture posting. If you find a picture on the internet and you want to post it should you always supply the link of the page it was on? Or is it permissible to post just the picture but definitely mention that the picture is not yours and that you found it on Google for instance?

I understand that it’s completely wrong to post someone else’s photos and claim them for your own. I have seen were someone will innocently post a picture just for discussion reasons and be chewed out for it.

I had that experience once from another forum were I innocently posted a picture and I mentioned it in my post that I got the picture off the internet. I meant absolutely no harm. I felt rather humiliated. I apologized and said I would credit the author and I told him and the entire forum that it might take me awhile to find the original link as I did not save it. As I said it was just for discussion reasons. It turned out that I had got the picture off of wikipedia. He did calm down and said everything is ok. But I felt the damage was done and I never returned. Remember everything we type is read by all. The moderator I felt could have handled the situation better by just PMing me and giving me a reminder with out making a scene. Sorry didn’t mean to get off track.
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Old 12-10-2007, 10:48 PM
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Hi Joann

One of the things we're most proud of here at OB is the fact that we make it a point NOT to be like many other forums (orchid-related or not). If something needs to be brought to somebody's attention, it won't be done through embarrassing anybody. I've read through some of the back-and-forth petty arguments on other forums and gotta say...I hate that! It won't be done here at OB...ever!

That being said...

when we're excited about seeing a fantastic new orchid and want to share it with our friends here at OB, the first instinct is to copy and post it here. That really shouldn't be done, although we sometimes forget that.
The best way to avoid any conflict in the matter is to post the web page in it's entirety so everybody can see where it came from and who it should be credited to.

It just makes life more simple

Thanks for bringing up the subject as we have lots of folks who are just becoming involved with forums in general and may not be aware that there is a certain etiquette to be followed.
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:30 AM
Jo Ann Jo Ann is offline
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Thanks Susanne,

I just wanted to make sure I did the correct thing here …Since that experience I’ve been more cautious about what I post.

Just another comment about forums…I’ve been visiting different ones for about 4 years now and 99% of them are mostly run by cliques…If your not one of the “Clique Members” your usually ignored or if they do respond to your post its in a negative fashion.

It would seem that your post count determines your importance or if you have 20+years at doing whatever the forum is about and 200+plants. Every time I see the word,” NEWBIE” I cringe…because I know that someone is trying to be honest and ask for advice. It’s true that some people are a little lazy in doing their research before asking a question. But sometimes it’s just away to start a conversation. I’ve done this once or twice myself.

Most professionals don’t seem to have much patience with the amateur hobbyist who just raises a few plants. I have even seen complaints where if you’re a “NEWBIE” that your almost told to go away. Also people who only raise common varieties of plants should never come to a forum that people who can afford the rarer varieties hang out.

I usually go to the bottom and check how many registered members versus visiting guests there are. If the,” lurking” guests are rather high it usually means this must be another elite community or a lot of shy people.

I must say that so far I have found this Forum the OB the best so far. Here it seems that professionals and we, “Newbie’s” can occupy the same space....
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:35 AM
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I must say that so far I have found this Forum the OB the best so far. Here it seems that professionals and we, “Newbie’s” can occupy the same space....
That's what we're all about

We all share a love of the same thing...orchids...and we have all been "newbies" at some point. Our members, experienced or not, all make a worthwhile contribution to our community...

...and my goes out to all of you
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Old 12-11-2007, 05:03 PM
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Thanks for the info about the pictures in posts. I'll be more careful in the future about putting the link to the entire webpage in my posts!!

OB's openness is something I really appreciate. No matter how stupid and basic your question is everyone is super friendly with their answers and seem more than happy to share their orchid knowledge. When I joined this forum I knew next to nothing about fertilizing and lights and the amazing diversity of the orchid world. Thanks to you guys my plants are so much happier! (pics coming soon!)

What I also like is that there's never any badmouthing and insults. On a bird forum I used to be on, one guy was insulted and publicly humiliated because he raised/bred his birds differently from that person. That behavior is just sickening so I left the forum.

So hurrah to OB!!

Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....

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Old 12-21-2007, 07:30 AM
Dorothy Dorothy is offline
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I just wanted to this thread and thank Marty, the moderators and all the members (hi to all you lurkers .. please come and join us you are very welcome to do so) for making OB the friendliest and welcome place for orchid sharing, discussion, information and even a little humor online
OB is the bestest
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Old 12-21-2007, 10:32 AM
shakkai shakkai is offline
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I'll second that Dorothy! I felt welcome from day one... and it just keeps getting better. I don't know what I'd do without all of you (though I probably buy fewer orchids!!) to share my addiction and lend a hand with helpful advice.

Thanks, Marty! Thanks, Moderators! And a big thanks to everyone!! To any and all lurkers... join in, say hi! You won't regret it!
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Old 12-21-2007, 10:50 AM
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Thanks, this forum was really created because few cliques chewed me up on another forum I was told, if you don't like it, get your own forum and run it the way you like... I'm glad I did

as for posting photos, you can post, but be sure to reference it in the post and provide a link if it's not your own.... it's much better for all involved that way.

Thanks to all of you, for making this a clique free zone and if you do spot some cliques let me know. OB prides itself for welcoming everyone!
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Old 12-22-2007, 10:57 PM
snow snow is offline
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Default feeling welcome

i just joined 7 weeks ago, and was . immediately made welcome .i,ve never joined a forem for obvious reasons stated, but i felt good about OB right away, after checking it out for a while
believe me, i know verry little about orchis, and even less 7 weeks ago
i think you are all a great bunch, and i feel as if i have gained a family
have a great hollyday everyone, and may 2008 bring us even closer together
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Old 12-23-2007, 09:55 PM
Sandy4453 Sandy4453 is offline
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Oh my Jo Ann, this all sounds regretfully too familiar. I've been a member on another forum that I'm weening myself away from for the petty and distasteful ways you've mentioned. In fact, a lot of unethical practices such as administration reading private messages and sharing them with other friends on the forum. I was dragged into this a while back and was horrified to find out this was being done.

I'm a creature of habit and like sticking to one forum and find myself gravitating more and more over here than there. This forum has it beat 20-fold to any on the net, I swear. It took a little getting used to, the navigating is quite different and I was used to the other way before getting comfortable here. I've never seen sooooooooo much info. going on in one forum like I have here. Everyone is so nice here! As well, there are a lot of light hearted topics and deviations from just orchids which expand perceptions that we all have and give us the opportunity to get reeeeeeeeeeeeeallllllllly comfortable and call it 'home.'

OK, now that I've said all that, if a website is not in the public domain, it should be a members responsibility to cite the link in which the pic came, as Suzanne and Marty mentioned. This is to protect You from any copyright infringements and keeps this board free of any liabilities. Easy!!!!!

I'm sorry you had a rough time elsewhere but if it's who I think, like parana's, they can't wait for the bait! They think they're working for the Pentagon or, would rather you think their authority is where it's at. Ooooooh, that made me feel better! Thanks Jo Ann for the opportunity and don't fret, just be thankful you don't fit in there or better, choose not to.

Last edited by Sandy4453; 12-23-2007 at 10:00 PM..
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