Hey everyone -

I know this is sort of an ad for someone, but I wanted all of you to get a chance at this.
If you are interested in Neofinitia, dendrobiums, Sediera, Sophronitis or other Japanese orchids, Glen Lehr with New World Orchids is preparing to go to Japan for the 2013 Japanese Gran Prix - kind of the Orchid event of the year for them. If you go to his website (just google or web search for New World Orchids) you can see pics from previous Gran Prix events that he attended. They are phenomenal and you get an idea of the plants he can purchase.
I purchased a Soph. coccinea from him. He sells them by the number of pseudobulbs they have. I purchased one several weeks ago; when it arrived Glen had included a small trinket from his Japanese travels as a 'Thanks you' gift. The plant was healthy looking with 5 new pseudobulbs, but a week after I got it, I got to looking at it's roots and they were mostly rotted. I contacted Mr. Lehr and he told me to send it back. He replaced it with a larger plant with great roots that had a bloom spike on it! And it is very healthy with several new spikes. He also included another Japanese trinket for my collection!.
Mr. Lehr is an extremely nice, small time orchid distributor (also a professional dentist I believe) and he takes orders prior to his trips. If anyone wants him to bring back any Japanese orchids, he will be at the place to get them. He also stocks up for new sales after he returns.
Just thought some of you would like to think about contacting him for special orders. Tell him Steve with the Orchid Board sent you!
Thanks for listening!