Upright growing.
Epiphyte of small to medium sized scrubby-like trees.
Occurs naturally in Southeast Asia, specifically, one of the places is Thailand.
The type of habitat they grow in is rather difficult to describe...
They don't grow in what is considered a typical lush rain forest. It looks more like a savannah. Which means it doesn't grow all that wet. There is a photo of it in a book called Wild Orchids of Myanmar, Volume 1: Last Paradise of Wild Orchids, by Yoshitaka Tanaka, Nyan Htun, and Tin Tin Lee. Keep in mind, I just said there is a photo, not actual detailed written info in this book. The book isn't about that. If you're interested in getting the book, you may ask in greater detail about what the contents of it really are.
Intermediate to warm.
Moderately bright indirect light.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 11-18-2012 at 01:56 PM..