So I finally took the plunge and bought a Psychopsiella Limminghei. I have been wanting one for quite some time now, but just never got around to buying one. I had forgotten about the plant for a little while, but for some reason on Tuesday I thought about it again. Mabye it was because of the earthquakehere in Virginia about an hour away. Anyways, I finally bought one and it arrived today. I was so excited because it is so small and cute. It even has a spike with a bud on it that will hopefully bloom soon. Here are some pictures of my most expensive plant so far (previously Psychopsis kalihi $45).
I know. I wait wait to see the bloom. I think it has a little ways to go yet bcause the bud isn't that big. Is it true that once one bloom dies another will form?
I know. I wait wait to see the bloom. I think it has a little ways to go yet bcause the bud isn't that big. Is it true that once one bloom dies another will form?
Not indefinitely like a Psychopsis, but up to about 5 flowers per spike, one at a time with some time between. Don't cut a spike until it dies back naturally.
Such a cute little species. Make sure you post some pics when it flowers.
Last edited by PaphMadMan; 08-27-2011 at 08:30 PM..
Reason: spelling, damn it
Hello all of you. I've been offered this Psychopsiella limminghei on a cork but I don't really find information about how to take care of it .. Who could help me please ?