I have a Vanda (Neofinetia) falcata shutennou that grows plenty of new roots, I counted 9, but all of them refuse to grow into the potting medium, but the spread horizontally. Crawling over the rim of the pot.
I decided to unpot as I wanted to repot anyway, and have a look at he roots in the potting medium and they looked good. Not perfect but no rot. And the bark wasn't decomposing yet but indeed not good enough for another full year.
I thought it had to do with potting medium gone bad.
The plant didn't wobble in its pot.
Now I write this I wonder if it started after I repotted the previous time. Maybe it doesn't like the bark I used? There was more root growth above the surface than in the pot. On the other hand, before repotting it did the same, but not this extreme. Is it a variety characteristic? Maybe?
I forgot to make pictures

Basically the old roots were growing in the pot, while the new roots were spreading horizontally while crawling over the rim. All of the new roots.
What could be the cause?
I gave the plant new bark. I planted the new roots just below bark level with grow tips downwards. That was easy as the new roots were very flexible. I know the roots that were spreading horizontally above the potting medium can't adjust, but hopefully, with the new potting medium, the roots decide to stay in the pot and grow downwards.
Any insight is welcome.