Very pretty! If you don't find the original owner, perhaps you might consider keeping the little bird. Budgies are easy and cheap to keep and they are so rewarding. They just need a bag of seed now and then and, if you feel like splurging, they love nibbling on fruit, vegetables, lemon grass, and many other herbs (just a little piece of fruit). Taming requires patience but once they are tame and trust you, they can be great fun.
Budgies like to be clean and will usually take care of this themselves if they can. If you put in a shallow saucer of water, the bird will probably take a bath, then preen itself.
I have always had budgies. Our current budgie is quiet compared to all the others we have ever had though she is trying to talk. She likes to get next to my computer screen and watch budgie videos which is really cute. She is very friendly, gentle, and follows us around the house. She hops right on anyone's finger when it is offered. She helps herself to my herbs and likes to play in my plants.