Originally Posted by Davey
I have seen sphagnum moss turn green, but I have never seen it actually increase in size, or notice any new growths after potting an orchid. I noticed some of my orchids' sphagnum moss turn green after some heavy rains this summer.
I usually get purplish leaves on the new growths of my Phalaenopsis orchids. They say it usually happens when you give them copious amounts of light though.

crazy thing is: same light and locations, food and water x 2 years; new this (phal) year are: they chopped some of outside tree so ugly

i put shader on lanai screen to hide; also very gray and rainy here; and so, i am already keep it cold all night person, more than usual times now, like when daylight.
so add that up, i thought i would need more/new light to rely on mostly only light. because of shader effect, but only direct glass door sun is last rays, extreme angle, now angle further loss, due to using table… or else i move it next glass 2 x a day, just to open close lanai curtain, am/pm.
maybe it’s cold. oh, i also went from plastic tray on carpet floor next to lanai door, to same place but a few inches farther from glass (not good) and UP 5” onto a very low table (tv stand)… so maybe adds even more cold,.. bigger pot, more moisture… dumb green moss.
so a lot has changed, maybe. idk.
i had this sphagnum before and never saw the IT’S ALIVE! green soylent.

the red increased over last month. never saw it like this; seems healthy. maybe because potted high, away from green monsters.
more will be revealed soon, i hope.
ps. airhead airplant says there’s plenty of moisture in the cool air. everybody else in here is fine.