The blooms look very nice! Yay! I like that color. I don't have a blooming white one yet...but I do have a keiki of anosmum var alba.
I'm thumbing through my Den species book to see if I can guess at a similar parentage for your Den.
I suspect in my amateur opinion, that yours has Den amoenum or signatum in it's ancestry.

You mentioned that yours doesn't look as strong as David's and that may be the reason why. In the section of Dendrobium, amoenum grows upright and then the canes become pendulous in habit. I do see yours slightly hanging over and that could be the reason.
Of course, yours has probably been hybridized over and over so the original species is/are really washed out, however I would make a guess that yours is a "winter rest" Den Hybrid (aka Den Hedge)
My other reasoning is that the other section Den Formosae (that I thought it might be) really isn't because all of those species have fine hairs on the leaf sheaths. Those hairs are part of a frost protection system that some orchids have. I don't see any pronounced hairs on your leaves so I ruled out this section.
So if it were mine, I would treat it as a "winter rest" hybrid.

Happy blooming!