I'll be there Sat. Our society is taking a bus down. I can't wait. This will be my first trip to the Redlands. My husband suggested that I decide on a limit to spend BEFORE I go. What do you all think?? I like "the sky's my limit"

Seriously I told him that I have a wish list and if I don't find what I'm looking for at my price limit I won't get it. I have a verrrry looong list that he has not seen.
Our bus should roll in around 10:30ish and we leave at 2:30. PM me for contact info to meet upand say

. I'll do my best but I'm going to be like a kid in a candy store with lots to see and decisions to make.
Let's see,, I need empty box to fill up, cart to carry the ones that don't fit in the box, hat, camera, Oh yea...a cooler to leave on the bus with lunch. Almost forgot... stop by the bank & take out a loan