I've got a nice big Sharry Baby that I picked up earlier in the summer. It's in a 3" pot with 3 large PBs and 2 new growths. The small pot is extremely unstable with as large as the plant is, it's fallen over a few times

I've read that they like tight pots but this seems overkill. I'm pretty sure one of the new growths is going to be outside the pot at this rate. So finally, question is, is this the time to repot and if so, how big of a pot do I go up to? Been thinking of going S/H with this plant, which I understand is pretty forgiving of pot size. Believe it is straight sphagnum right now. If I stay with bark/spagh do I just go up an inch or 2? Please see pics! It's my first Oncidium so trying to navigate my way with it. Any thoughts appreciated! Thanks!