Here are the first two Oncidium I succeed getting them to bloom.
I bought them in flowers mars 2017. I knew there were easy ones.
Oncidopsis (Vuylstekeara) Yokara 'Perfection' x oncidium leucochilum
IMG_8838 by
chantrell99, on Flickr
IMG_8839 by
chantrell99, on Flickr
I’m unhappy with that a leave is turning yellow though

maybe not enough water recently ? I have a tendency to underwater as I am affraid of making these guys rot.
IMG_8863 by
chantrell99, on Flickr
Oncidium Ron's Rippling Delight
IMG_8773 by
chantrell99, on Flickr
Oncidium Ron's Rippling Delight_2018_03_F by
chantrell99, on Flickr
The plant is not that happy. I first grew it in SH but I gave up on it as I did not like it. It spiked when I switched it to an Oncidium small bark mix. I think it might enjoy a mix with some Sphaignum moss for more moisture, the bulbs are pretty shriveled ? Or at lease more watering.
Oncidium Ron's Rippling Delight_2018_03P by
chantrell99, on Flickr