Originally Posted by jkofferdahl
The two in bloom now are just showing signs of new leaf growth, and the smaller one has a nice, large new leaf coming on it. How are you growing yours?
I'll admit, I've been hard on mine

When I received it, I did not realize how young it was so I abused it for a while, probably came close to losing it so it doesn't surprise me that it hasn't done anything spectacular for me yet.
About a year ago I set up a small indoor greenhouse and I've been growing my phals in there ever since. My Creme de Menthe grows under one of Ray's LED lights. I keep a small humidifier going during the day trying to keep humidity above 60% but right now it's hard (I'm in eastern PA). If I hit 50% I'm happy; humidity will improve once spring arrives. I also have heat mats going which keeps the temps around 70-80 degrees inside the greenhouse. I keep my home cool so I have to supplement the plants a bit. And I have a small, weak fan blowing sometimes. I water 1-2 times a week with RO water and fertilize whenever I remember.
My current growing conditions have produced the most success with my phals so far. Its not perfect, but most of my plants have shown some sort of growth and I've even bloomed a few this winter inside my little plant house.