Hi Andre.
Post a photo of your plant. It sounds like it's just too young/small to bloom yet. 6" is a bit small … it's not a miniature or near mini plant. You probably have the type plant of the species (lavender flowers). They need to be 10-14" to bloom. For the semi-alba type (which I don't think you have), a first bloom can be at 6-8", given OPTIMUM C violacea growing conditions, which you probably don't have in Vancouver.
C violacea needs it bright & warm, at least late spring to late summer. It also needs frequent watering during the growing period … which means very well drained & airy potting or a basket with some media to retain moisture. The roots need lots of water & air. When your plant is larger, if your growing period is long enough, it should be able to put out 2 new growths & blooms during the late spring/summer. Our C violaceas frequently bloom 3x, from spring to early fall.
C violacea is not so hard to grow, IF you can provide these conditions. Like most bi-foliate cats, C violacea especially cannot tolerate stale soggy root conditions.
Last edited by catwalker808; 09-26-2014 at 05:54 PM..