I'm well aware that my office is not the best growing environment but it gets boring in here so I bring them in anyway....

Here is my NOID Paphiopedilum about two years after I purchased it....it's been in here with me M-F 8-5 the whole time.
I successfully rebloomed it here (I know right?!?!) in this dreary place once...since then it's been on a leaf growing kick...
Light: I am not too important so my office is an interior one with a window to the hallway...but across the hall is an office with lots of east windows so "some" light gets to him.
Now it's starting to look a bit droopy and started growing odd bump things...
Pics attached of:
-whole plant (getting pretty tall)
-sad yellowing leaf
-droopy depressed lower leaves
-borderline creepy bumps growing on it