Originally Posted by mollycart1
Oh, no. That's not good. I am sorry to hear that. Can your allergic issue be solved or eased with the over-the-counter allergy medicene such as zyrtec?
You can always send them to me. 
I tried that along with prescription inhalers, etc but was still having problems. I may try to sell some of them later on if it gets to be too expensive to maintain them.
Originally Posted by DelawareJim
Sorry to hear about your reaction to the moss. Have you tried a surgical mask and latex gloves? I've found in the last year or so I get that way when I'm mowing the lawn in the height of summer. The dry grass and dust gets to me. So now in August, I wear a surgical mask when I mow. It helps a lot.
On the flip side though, Jason-san does a great job remounding Neos.
Naoki, You're just too eager!
Yes, I tried the mask, too, Jim. That helped a lot. However, that 5A moss is so light and fluffy that it really gets all over the room when you have a ton of it to work with. It's just hard to get every last bit vacuumed up. I couldn't remound outdoors because it's too windy. I ended up having to keep all the neos in a separate room that I don't go in very often in the house I just moved into.
Originally Posted by weiss
Where did you get the hangers for the neos. at and about what do they cost?
Hi Steve, Jason at OL special ordered a couple of the hangers in for me and he also sold me some of his used ones. You'll have to check with him on prices because I'm not sure about. Also, he'd have to ship them to TX for you so that could cost an arm and leg. You can try to order them on ebay now, directly from a Japanese supplier
Metal 12 pocket hanging frames for Neofinetia Falcata | eBay.
Their shipping is expensive but the hangers might be at a cheaper price than OL. All in all, it might come out to be the same but just check with Jason and see which option would be cheaper.