My 'chids are spoiled, and demanded a greenhouse update!
But, really... things were in desperate need for a change. I got a cheap 6x10 greenhouse from Costco last Summer and it took care of my orchids through the remainder of the Summer, and last winter... barely. Some of the things I thought would work great didn't, and it was time to fix things! So, over the last 3 days I have busted my butt with the help of my dear sweet hubby.
Things that had to be changed...
-Removed Bark on Floor. I thought it was a genius way to help keep humidity up. I have a dirt floor and had put down week fabric, but the bark at the bottoms begins to break down and attracts every bug within 10 miles of the 'chid house

A new layer of weed fabric has been laid down after the bark was shoveled out and river rocks are now the floor.
-Hung plastic sheeting to help filter the blistering hot sun here, and to better insulate. Temperature and humidity were impossible to regulate, so I'm hoping the rest of the Summer, and this Winter, will be much better! It ain't real pretty, but it does the job.
-Fix the shade fabric over the top. It had gotten pulled and warped and was letting direct sunlight in and the many of my 'chids have suffered sunburn.
-Changed height of the shelves.
The first two pictures are the Greenhouse last summer. The next 3 are from yesterday and today. By the time I was moving the orchids back in, the sun was pretty low in the sky... hence that picture being much darker.

My picky little 'chids are already thanking me... well, at least in my mind they are!