Yesterday, my next door neighbor gave me a bunch of badly abused monopodials. One of them was in bud and has already bloomed, so I am sure that one is a Vanda. The others probably are, too, although a couple of them are obviously immature plants that I guess would be a couple of years away from blooming.
One of them was this tiny fella. I put a ruler in the picture because I couldn't believe how tiny it is -- less than three inches high. The plant is sitting on a little cube of styrofoam plastic in the miniature pot, but the roots are already bonded to the pot and I don't know how I'll get it out (suggestions would be welcome). The plant looks to me exactly like other plants I have that I know are vandas, but it's so small I'm puzzled. I believe it's native to Thailand.
Can anyone tell if it's some exotic miniature, or just
very immature?