oncidium s/h question
Well like most of you I have jumped on the semi hydro band wagon. From what I have read a lot of different orchids seem to grow well in this setup. I also researched full water culture but it seems like that can be iffy if you don’t know what you’re doing and basically seems harder to maintain that semi hydro.
So about 1 month ago I converted 3 orchids to semi hydro. 1 mini phal, 1 dendrobium, and one oncidium. The phal seems to be doing great it is putting out a new root and a new leaf. The dendrobium seems to be ok, no new growth and it lost a few older leaves but so far the main cane is still plump and green.
The oncidium seems to be the one that is sulking a bit. Its bulbs are really wrinkly and it lost an older leaf. However, it did the same thing for a couple of months last year when I repotted it in bark. My question is I just noticed it has the beginnings of a spike which sucks because I am wondering if I should cut it since I want it to grow roots instead. Therefore, should I cut it now or just give it more time to adjust?
One last question do you give a dry out period in semi hydro? I have seen two different opinions, the first one is never let the leca completely dry out so fill the reservoir as soon as it is empty or second let it dry out a couple days before you refill.
I am wondering which method is correct?
Thanks in advance for your comments.