S/H: Ways to help Catt produce new roots & transition?
Let me start by saying...Ray, don't be mad at me if I am freaking too early still!
It has officially been a month since I transitioned my first "test" Catt into s/h and I am worried I have set my plant up for failure and killed it! I know Ray, I know, it's only been a month, things can look bad, and just DONT panic and repot back to bark because this will definitely stress it more!
when I repotted the orchid she had new roots coming out, not many but a few green little tips breaking out. First, I feel like I should have waited for a stronger flourish of new roots to appear.
Second, The act of repotting her was just absolutely horrific due to me just.....oh I can't even say the words. I basically broke off one of the two larger new roots and a pseudobulb....I'm pretty sure I did other damaging things too although I can't remember them....it was bad guys....it was my first repot of a Catt and first repot to s/h and idk....Catt roots are not as flexible as phals and I wasn't expecting it! BUT, it happened and I'm still trying to recover! But now, every time I look at my little s/h plant she just reminds me of all the trauma I caused her!
The tiny little root tips that were once growing strong have now completely stopped growing out, her once plump little pseudobulbs now are getting wrinkles through them, AND she only has one surviving new root that is still actually growing. I feel like when I broke the other longer root and did so much other damage I should have stopped and aborted the s/h attempt with her right then!
So please tell me, is there ANYTHING I can do to help her along or encourage new root growth? I have been using a kelp extract growth stimulant called "Orchid Love" Idk if anyone has heard of it....I found it on Amazon before I knew Ray made his own! Also, I fertilize with the MSU fertilizer and she is on a heat mat constently in the warmest room. She even has a water resistant thermometer sitting on top of her LECA beads with her and she never goes below 70 F. I have zero issues with a "dry line" or really anything. Just wondering if I can do anything to help her pull through this!
I have heard about rooting gels and have highly considered it but I was hoping It wouldn't come to that. Idk. I am a tad weary of them...maybe undeservingly? I just feel like if I was more experienced then I would use them but being new and having zero experience with them, I worry they might do more harm then good due to user error.