I have 4 S/H pots, each one with two 1/4 inch holes about an inch from the bottom. I am noticing that after I water and allow the pot to drain, water will still leak from the holes and get the table wet. I think capillary action or surface tension is pulling water through the holes but I don't understand why. Does anyone else experience this or have any ideas about what to do?
Place them on plastic plant saucers. Put a non-absorbent table mat under them to protect the table. Empty out enough water so that it's not all the way up to the bottom of the holes. Try smearing some silicone sealant around the holes to form a hydrophobic ridge. Increase airflow to help evaporate water that leaks from the holes. Plug the holes with "memory" foam or something like foam ear plugs.
Some things may work better than others for your situation.
I have all my plants in S/H and I have a number of plants in bloom. I place all my plants in plastic sauces with about a 1-1.5" lip. so when the capillary action takes place the saucer catches any excess water. ...Zoren...