Different Growing In Techniques in S/H Growing
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Old 07-09-2018, 04:48 PM
Zoren Zoren is offline
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Different Growing In Techniques in S/H Growing Male
Default Different Growing In Techniques in S/H Growing

, S/H members. Now that I have decided S/H is the only way for me to grow orchids. I have a lot of Questions that I haven't been able to find answers to, so if all of you don't have any objections I will start asking.
1) Watering--general rule is when the reservoir is about empty. Does this include all Orchids or specific orchids that don't like to dry out. If I have a Cattleya or orchids that like to be Fully Dry I would think the reservoir should Dry Completely..
2) Fertilizer and Fertilizing--is there a fertilizer that may be better for S/H? I understand fertilizing at every watering is recommended at 1/4 strength. ('I am finding that in my Florida room here in South Florida facing South South West, I have to water some times two or more times per week. Not all my plants are this way, so the ones that are I've changed to 1/8 fertilizer instead').
3)Using Sea Weed, Kelp or Super Thrive--Should I use one of these Root stimulators once a month or every other month?
4)Flushing Plants --I would say only when Salts build up.
5)Dormancy or Resting Period--Do we follow the same Rules--No water or fertilizer during this time Catasidiums, Some Dendrobiums and Cycnoches till you see new root growth or can you continue watering as suggested and noted in S/H growing system!
6)One more question Temperature, since I have Mixed types and families of Orchids in one room I've only been turning on the A/C when it reaches 90 degrees F. Is this a safe temperature or should I put the A/C on at a lower temperature?
I think I've asked enough questions at this time, looking forward to member answers and possible questions...Zoren....
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Old 07-10-2018, 12:19 AM
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Different Growing In Techniques in S/H Growing Male

Originally Posted by Zoren View Post
1) Watering--general rule is when the reservoir is about empty. Does this include all Orchids or specific orchids that don't like to dry out. If I have a Cattleya or orchids that like to be Fully Dry I would think the reservoir should Dry Completely..
First of all, few, if any orchids "prefer" to completely dry out between watering. Look at their conditions in nature - some stay sopping all the time. The only valid reason I know of to allow an orchid to dry out between waterings is if the medium is terrible and leads to suffocation of the roots when saturated. Letting THAT dry out allows the roots to "breathe" again, so they won't die.

As far as plants that need a so-called "winter rest", that is actually more about no nitrogen than it is about no water.

Letting the LECA and reservoir dry out between waterings is NOT semi-hydroponics, it is regular culture using an inorganic medium.
2) Fertilizer and Fertilizing--is there a fertilizer that may be better for S/H? I understand fertilizing at every watering is recommended at 1/4 strength. ('I am finding that in my Florida room here in South Florida facing South South West, I have to water some times two or more times per week. Not all my plants are this way, so the ones that are I've changed to 1/8 fertilizer instead').
"1/4-" and "1/8 strength" are meaningless terms. 1/4 of what? Learn to use the actual concentration as a control. Feeding my plants at every watering, which can be daily when it's really hot, I use 25 ppm N using K-Lite, but that concentration would hold true no matter what the formula.
3)Using Sea Weed, Kelp or Super Thrive--Should I use one of these Root stimulators once a month or every other month?
Do a search on the relative efficacy of various auxin supplements. KelpMax is the most versatile and chemically stable brand available.

Once you stimulate a plant with such hormones, it takes two-, to three weeks or so for the metabolic rate to return to normal. That's why I recommend no more than monthly treatment. Certainly every other month would also be OK, but would be less effective.
4)Flushing Plants --I would say only when Salts build up.
...and you would be very wrong.

Mineral buildup is not 100% reversible, so the more often you flush, the slower the overall buildup rate will be. The best thing you should do is flood the hell out of the pot at every watering. You can use your dilute fertilizer solution. It will flush and re-saturate the medium, and refresh the reservoir all at once. If the medium never dries out, the buildup is extremely slow.
5)Dormancy or Resting Period--Do we follow the same Rules--No water or fertilizer during this time Catasidiums, Some Dendrobiums and Cycnoches till you see new root growth or can you continue watering as suggested and noted in S/H growing system!
As I said earlier, the rest is more about no food than no water. In nature, mist, fog, and high humidity keeps the resting plants hydrated, even in dry periods. You can let them go dry, or water using ONLY water, as you see fit.
6)One more question Temperature, since I have Mixed types and families of Orchids in one room I've only been turning on the A/C when it reaches 90 degrees F. Is this a safe temperature or should I put the A/C on at a lower temperature?
Seems to me that has nothing to do with semi-hydroponics, but has more to do with the cultural needs of the plants.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 07-10-2018, 05:31 PM
Zoren Zoren is offline
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Different Growing In Techniques in S/H Growing Male
Default Different Growing Techniques in S/H Growing

, members. Ray, again I have to thank you. Again,you seem to put me straight on how to Care for Orchids and now I have a better understanding of how your S/H system works.
Watering--I have had a lot of incorrect info that I have either read or heard (from others) about watering. Fertilizing-- this was a 'typo' on my part I left out the word teaspoon. I will have to buy some K-Lite.
Auxin supplements--I will have to buy Kelp Max, when used once a month I would presume you don't fertilize at that watering.
Flushing--it makes sense that if you flood the plant at every feeding, 'salts' would not build as quickly and if they do you should flush with unfertilized water.
Rest periods--Again incorrect info given from others. Now I can see lighter watering and 'NO' feeding is the way to go with plants that might need a 'rest period'.
Temperature--I know it had nothing to do with S/H growing. I guess I did a little 'High jacking'. Since I still have concerns about how hot it gets in my Florida room (I have different types of orchids in the room) I was looking for opinions as to when to turn on the A/C 90-95 F or higher??
Well, I will finish by saying thank you Ray again, I will try to put into practice your suggestions and opinions ...Zoren...
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