Thinking of transferring my collection into S/H.
Greetings from California!
So I have been growing orchids about 5 years no. Windowsill grower to be exact and I've had some success re-blooming my plants. Mostly Phals Oncidiums and paphiopedilums rebloom for me. I also have some cattleyas that wont bloom and only sheath for me. But they are healthy for the most part and always grow new canes. I have kept them in mixed midea such as sphag moss, med and fine bark and I want to switch them into S/H.
My first orchid I experimented with was two phals and i put them into s/h and it bloomed for me in 2012 and moved and that orchid got lost in the move and just stopped growing s/h period and went with organic media.
Now the reason why I want to switch to s/h is because in my current location, my plants stay too wet for too long and it attracts bugs,and it smells "moist and moldy" almost in my plant rack although i do have a fan going. Most of my plants have new roots growing, new growths, most phals in spike and well before i go on a "repotting rampage" into s/h with all my plants I want to know exactly what i need to know.
How often do i fertilize? what kind of fertilizer? can i still use the one i currently use? what fertilizers are recommended? what kind of pots can i use?can i still use clay pots and use a decorative container to keep the water in? etc ..
I tend to Overwater and over tend my plants since i work from home a lot so s/h seems more forgiving in that overwatering department. Sorry that I went on a rant here about this. Any help and thoughts will help and be greatly appreciated guys!
Thank You in Advanced .
attached are some pictures of some of my orchids