AMAZING roots.. But how to repot?????
Ok. So here are a few photos of my orchids in semi hydro. They have been converted for around 6 months. they are doing amazing. The roots on the first photo which are just insane are all new growth in 6 months. This plant had ZERO viable roots when I got it and I actually removed them all before transplanting into semi-hydro. There others roots are almost all new as well in that time frame.
SO, this is awesome, but, since I use the net pots, how should I repot them. I though maybe I could cut the pot off, but even this would be difficult. SO, should I just repot it in a larger pot with this one inside it? Would this cause issues in the long run??? With the plastic degrading? I mean long term, as I want to have these orchids for a LOONNNGG time. Help please. Thanks!