Yes, you can have mosquitoes indoors all year if there is water for them to breed. Empty the saucers regularly and break the cycle.
If the reservoir water will not go back into the plants, you can also put some soap in the water. Use just enough to cause a slight amount of bubbles if you swish your hand. The soap reduces the surface tension of the water, and the mosquitoes will be unable to use their spiracles to breathe. They will drown.
Keepers of tank type bromeliads often put one drop of dish soap in each plant tank for this purpose.
I just saw this thread:
AMAZING roots.. But how to repot?????
When you say reservoir, do you mean the green saucers under these pots? If so, once every few days to a week, empty the reservoirs and let them dry a few hours. Run water through the pots at the sink to rinse away any larvae clinging to the LECA. If this is the kind of reservoir you mean, do not put soap in here. The soap might damage the roots.