I spent a few hours today repotting the plants I left out during the last marathon. It gave me an opportunity to take a close look at what's happening out there...

Two of the 'chids I put into clear pots and aliflor the last time had a root or two showing at the top that looked a little brown. I took them out, found a few rotted roots...and a whole bunch of brand new healthy, happy roots growing! Trimmed off the rotted ones and these babies are on their way

I also found a spike on a plant that I've been waiting over a year to see some action on. It's grown and looks healthy but nothing spectacular was happening...now, it's got a baby spike going

It's an Alcra Pacific Nova, which is a cross of Brassidium Shooting Star 'Butter Buds' x Miltonia clowesii. I can't wait to see what this one looks like