Hi M,
There are a lot of people here with lots of knowledge about s/h culture. I'm sure they'd be happy to help you. A good starting point for you would be to visit Ray's site, he's got all the answers Let us know how it goes for you...from what I've read here, most people love it!
Prime agra, aliflor, LECA are all pretty much the same thing ... fired, puffed clay, as I recall. All can be used with regular plants. I've used it both in the bottom of pots as well as mixed in with the soil to no ill effect.
As far as s/h goes, I'm one of the ones who doesn't do s/h. Anything I've ever tried orchid-wise died. However, I have known people who had great success with it.
Hi Paul, welcome to the board
I, myself, am using prime agra and/or aliflor in clear pots for just about all of my 'chids, but not using the full s/h system. A number of people here have recently started s/h and they are seeing wonderful results.
What kind of 'chids do you have? We'd love to hear all about them, why not post an introduction? We'd also enjoy meeting you in our nightly chats...we usually start arriving around 8pm est.
Hope to see you there
I have just planted an Angraecum didieri in some
prime agra. (I think that is what it is called)
I have the water up to about an inch or so from the bottom of the pot.
I am not too sure of the fertilizer or quantities that I should be giving it...so here goes with the experiment.