Hi again!
sg2100 : yes my tumbler is a nice cheap plastic one

and I water when the reservoir is starting to dry up. When I'm watering + fertilizing everyone else my two S/H orchids get a soak too (I put the whole s/h container inside another container that is full of fertilizer water and I leave them sit for a bit). I flush every few weeks or when I remember...
Your little Phals look great in their new homes, I hope they are happy in there and flourish for you. Do remember to take care with water near the crown, I lost a lovely NOID recently from splashing around too much

I'm adding a pic of the reservoir but it looks like tabbyback13 has given a nice explanation already (thanks for the input!). The black tray in the pic is just to collect overflow.
As for the Catt, I haven't got any experience with these fellows in S/H but I would take care of the depth your plant is in the media. I would be afraid of the rhizome rotting if it is covered. I suppose it depends on you climate though (real humid where I am). You might also like the rhizome to be exposed so you can see the new action starting!
Anyway, have fun experimenting and remember to keep us updated!