Originally Posted by Keiki78
Thank you for the responses.
The Luwasa pots are difficult to flush. This will be my third time having to take them apart to flush them. So I shouldn't be letting them dry out? I can keep the water line at optimum all the time? I liked the way they looked, but with all of my orchids this seems like a very time consuming job.
I do have some of my orchids in home made containers (Thank you Ray) with 1/4 holes an inch from the bottom that I water about every 3 days with garden hose tap water. Every other week I water them with worm tea and Essential plus 1-0-1 root starter. They seem to be doing well but I am also very concerned about algae. When the algae turns black is that when I need to clean out the media?
No, you should not let them dry out. And yes, you should try to keep the water line between the brown band at the bottom of the gauge where it says "Min" and the centre line just above the "^ opt v" printing. How fast that drops depends on how fast your plants utilise the water/nutrient solution. If the plant uses a lot, it's okay to fill it to the "max" line.
The algae is not a problem. It's also not black but actually a very dark green. Being a plant, the algae is using the same water and fertiliser that the orchid is. It doesn't hurt you plants, it just looks sort of ugly. I've come to accept it as the price to pay for growing in S/H.