Originally Posted by Bobits
Can I get this straight? Are people drilling holes in glass pots at the bottom for drainage? Are the holes being drilled anywhere else? And can you provide any tips how to do this without shattering the glass?
What type of pot are you soldering?
Can we start a new thread in beginner discussion called types of pots and techniques so we don't confuse the focus of this particular discussion?
Yes, I drill my glass vases. But I drill them on the side so the bottom remains closed. In order for it to be semi-hydroponic growing, there must always be a reservoir of water for the media to wick up to the plant roots.
Here you can see the placement on my vase. I improvised and made these holes a little higher because it is such a tall vase.
Some other growers ("Bud" I think is one of them), drill bottom holes but sit the container in a dish of water to create the reservoir - so basically the function is the same. But if you use LECA medium (PrimeAgra, Hydroton, etc.) without a constant water reservoir, it is just standard culture *not* semi-hydroponics. You would just be using the LECA as a bark replacement in that case.
Ray Barkalow describes the hole placement here:
"For containers, I use custom-made plastic pots (available from our online store), but have, in the past, used painters buckets, food storage containers, trash cans, etc, with closed bottoms. I have even used Styrofoam coolers. Those pots have two or three quarter-inch diameter holes about one inch up from the bottom on the sides."
More info here -
First Rays' "Semi-Hydroponic - TM" Culture
---------- Post added at 04:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 PM ----------
Originally Posted by dougr
Nice "Lake Murray ". The orchid must have come from Newberry, C&H. Most of my 40+ orchids also came from there during family visits to that area by my wife. Nice post and the suggestion of spraying the roots works for me.
Thanks, Dougr! It really has the most extravagant blooms- both in color and in fragrance! It is the only orchid I have ever paid full price for at the nursery. I was powerless before it's beauty!